Title: “Ndini ndinaye – Baba Harare feat. Gemma Griffiths Produced by Nyasha Timbe and Scholez Beats Directed by Director Zorro
Get ready to embark on a musical adventure like no other, as Baba Harare and Gemma Griffiths’ “Ndini Ndinaye sets your heart ablaze with its enchanting melodies and captivating lyrics.
“Ahee” by Baba Harare is a lively and captivating song that beautifully blends the traditional Zimbabwean music genres of Jiti and Gule. This celebratory anthem embodies the rich and authentic sounds of Zimbabwe, creating a vibrant and joyous atmosphere. With Baba Harare’s creative genius, the song takes listeners on a rhythmic journey filled with energetic beats and infectious melodies. “Ahee” is a perfect ode to the cultural heritage of Zimbabwe, captivating music enthusiasts with its fusion of Jiti and Gule sounds. Get ready to immerse yourself in the uplifting and authentic vibes of “Ahee” as it brings the spirit of celebration and the essence of Zimbabwe to life.
IAREE is a songwriter and recording artist from Zimbabwe who brings a fresh sound to the local and international Afro-music scene. IAREE’s sound and style can be described as an intricate mix of Afro-beats and Trap-soul that evokes the true meaning of what it means to be human, be it positive or negative. Her delicate but captivating voice takes you on a transcendent journey and is why she is en route to becoming a superstar.
Born and raised in Zimbabwe’s Capital City, Harare, she has been exposed to her African heritage and culture, which has shaped her unique approach to Afro – Music. Having lived in the Western Cape of South Africa, her full appreciation of amapiano and house music grew and has influenced some of the sound you hear from her today. Her music speaks to a demographic of young women around the world who struggle to express themselves and do so through music therapy
IAREE, standing for I Am Righteous and Enough, was a name that was brought about by her love for Yahweh God and her experience with learning to love herself. She came into the music scene in 2017 with a feature on the artist Takura’s Relationship Goals EP, with a song titled “Hold On To Your Love,” which she co-wrote. She then went on to release her first ever single “Born Today,” in 2019.
Written by: Nevin Mukudzei Chipfunde Produced by: Mars on the beat
Directed by: Clyde Jones Visuals Video Production: Nevin Chipfunde and Clyde Jones Starring: Nevin, Amorah Kanjera, Jayden Kanjera Make up: Gachel Stylist: Nevin M. Chipfunde
Official Music Video for Saintfloew “Musande” off RISE AND LEAD The Album.
Track 7 of 14
Written by Saintfloew (Spice Tawanda Mambo) Produced by Dr Chaii Mixed and Mastered by Neil T Video Directed and Edited by : Kyle White Executive Producer : NashTv
Presenting “Prove Them Wrong,” a standout collaboration between Baba Harare and Voltz JT. As the lead single off Baba Harare’s upcoming album, this track delves deep into themes of resilience, ambition, and defying doubters.
Credits: 🎚 Produced by: Nyasha Timbe 🎥 Video by: AfriArt
Song Insights: Drawing from contemporary Afrobeat and global rhythms, “Prove Them Wrong” encapsulates the spirit of pushing through adversity and asserting one’s true potential.
Album Release Date: 20th October Mark your calendars for October 20th for the full album release of “Prove Them Wrong” by Baba Harare.